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Creating a New Job#

Creating a job requires having created an environment first. Any job can be created from the 'JOB DEFINITIONS' tab.

To create a new job:

  1. Click on "+ Create new job". The dialog 'Create New Job' opens.

  2. Enter a suitable job name, add a description and select the already created job environment from the drop-down. Confirm with "Next". The dialog switches to the second page.

  3. Select the output, enter the target table information (database, schema and table) and confirm with "Next". The dialog switches to the third page.

  4. Configure the scheduling by selecting the repetition mode and timezone, and confirm with "Apply". The job configuration is finished.

Running a Job Ad-hoc#

Jobs can be run at any time from the Inspector by an Admin. Please note that ad-hoc jobs will not affect any defined execution trigger.

To run an ad-hoc job, click on "Run Job Now" in the job's Inspector 'Info' tab. The job proceeds. After running, the job is listed on the 'DASHBOARD' tab.

Editing a Job#

Once a Job has been set up, you can edit it. To edit a job, click on the "Edit job" button in the 'Settings' tab from the Inspector.

Pausing a Job#

To pause a running job, click on the "Pause" button in the 'Info' tab from the Inspector.

Resuming a Job#

To resume a paused job, click on the "Resume" button in the 'Info' tab from the Inspector.

Deleting a Job#

To delete a job, click on "Delete job" in the 'Settings' tab from the Inspector.