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Creating a Job Environment#

Creating jobs require creating an environment first. The settings can be configured in the 'ENVIRONMENT' tab.

To create an environment:

  1. Click on "+ Create new environment". The dialog 'Create New Environment' opens.

  2. Enter the initial environment name and add a description.

  3. Enter the Snowflake username and the Snowflake password.

  4. Enter the role and warehouse and select your Slack channel or create a new one to receive notifications. Confirm your configuration with "Apply". The configuration applies. The new environment is listed.

Editing a Job Environment#

To edit a job environment:

  1. Select the environment card from the list, in the Inspector click on the tab "Settings" and click on "Edit enviroment...". The dialog 'Edit Environment' opens.

  2. Make your adjustments and confirm with "Apply". The dialog closes. The adjustments apply. Editing the job environment is finished.

Deleting a Job Environment#

INFO: Please note that as long as there are associated jobs to a job environment, the environment can not be deleted. In this case, you have to delete the job first.

To delete a job environment:

  1. Select the environment card fron the list, in the Inspector click on the tab "Settings" and click on "Delete environment...". The dialog 'Delete Environment' opens.

  2. Confirm with "Press & Hold to Delete!". The dialog closes. The environment is deleted.